martes, 31 de mayo de 2011

Llegar al Orgasmo desde los Senos

Técnicas para llegar al orgasmo desde los senos
Para experimentar este tipo de orgasmo, antes, haz que pare el tiempo. No tengas prisa. Necesitarás un buen rato de caricias, toqueteos, cambios de ritmo y de variaciones.
Atrévete a combinar técnicas orales y manuales. Jugar con movimientos muy erotizantes, con las manos, con la lengua, con los . Lametazos, mordiscos, pequeños tirones... ¡Deja volar tu imaginación!
Masaje erótico en los senos
El secreto de un buen masaje en los senos es no tener prisa. Las bien dadas en esta zona tan femenina pueden llevar a la mujer a vivir un auténtico orgasmo sin necesidad de penetración.
Paso 1: primer contacto
Es ideal que el chico se unte las con aceite y sostenga los senos con las manos. En este punto se trata de disfrutar del primer contacto.
Paso 2: suaves giros
Siempre con delicadeza el chico debe empezar a acariciar los senos de forma giratoria primero en sentido de las horas del reloj y después en sentido contrario.
Paso 3: caricias delicadas
Mientras las manos descansan sobre los senos, se trata de empezar a acariciar los laterales con los pulgares a la vez que se desplazan las manos en diagonal desde un lado de las costillas hasta el hombro contrario.
Paso 4: a por los pezones
Es momento de atacar a los pezones. Con las yemas de los dedos se rozan y se juguetea con ellos. Incluso se puede ser pícaro y pellizcarlos.
Finalmente se sujeta un pezón con los dedos a modo de tijera mientras se pasa la otra mano por el extremo del pezón... ¡es para ver las estrellas!

Marving the Ballet Dancer Squirrel

Do u play guitar?? :)

More Glossary

STDs (sexually transmitted diseases) are diseases you can get when you have certain types of sex without using protection. See Safe Sex and STDs for more information.
Transgender is a term that includes people who act and dress in ways usually associated with the other gender. Transgender people can be heterosexual, homosexual, bisexual or whatever.
* remember these are just words that we use to identify ourselves or others. Our sexualities are more complicated than these words, and we can decide if we want to use them, make up our own words, or use no words at all

martes, 24 de mayo de 2011


Wanna learn Slang?

  • having a nice body. Usually used towards females.
  • to have a close relationship with someone. A shortening of "thick as thieves."

EX. "That Girl is thick"
EX. "I've known Dave since third grade, we're thick."


  • female genitalia.
  • the female genitalia, but in reference to having sex.
EX. "I want some of that fine poontang!"
EX. "I need some poontang."

Sex Glossary

AIDS (acquired immune deficiency syndrome) is when your body's immune system has been weakened by HIV and is unable to fight off certain infections and diseases. See Safe Sex for more information.

BDSM is a combination of three terms: BD (Bondage & Discipline), DS (Dominance & Submission), and SM (Sadism & Masochism). BDSM includes a wide range of activities involving safe, sane, consensual playing with erotic power. BDSM is NOT about abuse. Everyone involved understands and plays by the rules.

bi (bisexual)* people feel sexual and/or romantic attraction to people of any sex.

the clit (clitoris) is the main sexual pleasure spot for women. To find your clitoris, feel inside the top of your crotch for a button-like thing. Rubbing or licking the clit gives women pleasure, and makes the clit hard. In fact this is the main way most women cum.

consent (consensual sex) is when all partners say "yes" to having sex and mean it. Everyone agrees on what they're going to do, and anyone can make it stop. Saying "no" or saying nothing at all is not consent.

cumming (orgasm) is the extreme feeling of pleasure during sex. Both women and men are able to have orgasms.

gay (homosexual)* men feel sexual and/or romantic attraction mostly to other men.
HIV (human immunodeficiency virus) is the virus thought to cause AIDS. HIV+ (HIV POSITIVE) means that your blood shows signs of HIV as detected by a lab test. See AIDS and HIV Testing.
intercourse is when something (a dick, finger, dildo, cucumber, whatever) penetrates your butt, which is ANAL SEX, or your vagina, which is VAGINAL SEX. Both women and men can enjoy anal intercourse.
lesbian (homosexual)* women feel sexual and/or romantic attraction mostly to other women.
masturbation is getting off by touching yourself.
oral sex is licking, sucking, biting (not too hard, please!) your partner's thang.